Aether Guide pt:3 Mobs and Bosses Overview

Not only are there a multitude of new mobs in the Aether mod for Minecraft, but the mod adds new bosses to go for in various different dungeons.

I am going to split up the mobs into different categories based on their hostility to the player and different bosses, mini bosses, etc.


AetherBlueSwetFace      AetherCloudSentryFace       AetherBlueMoaFace


Blue Swet          Cloud Sentry     Tamed Moa

First off there are the allied mobs, the mobs that will aid the player in different services. These would be the Blue Swet, the Cloud Sentry, and the tamed Moa.

AetherAerbunnyFace          AetherAerwhaleFace           AetherCarrionSproutFace          AetherFlyingCowFace

Aerbunny                Aerwhale         Carrion Sprout       Flying Cow

AetherPhygFace             AetherBlueMoaFace         AetherSheepuffFace             AetherZephyrooFace

Phyg                              Moa                        Sheepuff                     Zephyroo

Next is the passive mobs which are neutral to the player and will never attack. They include the Aerbunny, the Aerwhale, the Carrion Sprout, the Flying Cow, the Phyg, the Moa, the Sheepuff, and the Zephyroo.

AetherMimicFace         AetherValkyrieFace


Mimic                   Valkyrie

These are the mobs that are neutral and will not attack the player unless provoked. They include the Mimic and the Valkyrie


AetherAechorPlantFace AetherCockatriceFace AetherSentryFace AetherSentryGolemFace AetherBlueSwetFace AetherTempestFace Whirlwind (The Aether) AetherZephyrFace
Aechor Plant Cockatrice Sentry Sentry Golem Swet Tempest Whirlwind Zephyr


And of course what mod would be complete without hostile mobs to fight? The hostile mobs include the Aechor Plant, the Cocktrice. the Sentry, the Sentry Golem, the Swet, the Tempest, the Whirlwind, and the Zephyr.

Aethercogface Aethergolemboss Aetherhost
Labyrinth’s Eye Sentry Guardian Slider Host Mimic


Now we are getting into the bosses, and these could be considered mini bosses. These are included in the update, Aether II only, and have the ability to spawn minion enemies against the player. They include the Labyrinth’s Eye, the Sentry Guardian, and the Slider Host Mimic.

AetherSliderFace        AetherSunSpiritFace       AetherValkyrieQueenFace


Slider                     Sun Spirit          Valkyrie Queen

And Finally there are the bosses which have a large amount of health and have much more complicated battle strategies. They include the Slider, the Sun Spirit, and the Valkyrie Queen.

Probably in the next post I will get more into depth on the mobs. Stay tuned 😀

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